Developing a VISUAL Dictionary --
Stave One
Stave Two
Stave Three
Stave Four
Stave Five
Stave One
- ironmongery - a dealer in metal hardware, locks, etc.
- unhallowed - unholy; not religious
- ramparts - fortification; a mound of earth raised around a place
- entreaty - to ask urgently
- trifle - something of very little value
- morose - gloomy
- impropriety - an improper act or remark
- resolute - determined; firmly set opinion
- homage - giving respect to; to hold in high regard
- facetious - joking - often inappropriately
- brazier - a metal receptacle for holding coals to heat a room
- misanthropic - a hater of humankind
- garret - an attic
- congenial - sympathetic; agreeable
- irresolution - uncertain how to act or proceed
- balustrades - a row of balusters (upright supports) topped by a rail
- waistcoat - similar to a man's vest
- caustic - corrosive; sharp
- waggish - mischievous; humorous
- remorse - a distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs
- benevolence - charitable; an act of kindness
- apparition - a supernatural appearance; a ghost
Stave Two
- opaque - blocking the passage of light
- preposterous - contrary to nature or reason; absurd
- perplexed - filled with uncertainty; puzzled
- endeavored - try; attempt
- recumbent - lying down; reclining
- fluctuated - to move up and down or back and forth; to waver
- supplication - to ask humbly; plead
- vestige - a trace or visible sign left by something lost or vanished
- condescension - to assume an air of superiority
- celestial - of or relating to the sky; heavenly
- terrestrial - of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants
- decanter - an ornamental glass bottle for serving wine
- chaise - a two wheeled horse-drawn carriage with a folding top
- avarice - excessive desire for wealth; greed
- supposition - something that is supposed; a hypothesis
- tumultuous - an uproar (a violent disturbance)
- uproarious - marked by uproar; could be: extremely funny
- brigands - a bandit
- boisterous - noisily turbulent or exuberant (unrestrained enthusiasm)
- despoil - to strip someone of their belongings, possessions, or valuables
- irrepressible - impossible to control
- haggard - having a worn or emaciated (become very thin) appearance
Stave Three
- apprehensive - viewing the future with anxiety
- spontaneous - done freely or naturally; taking place without external force or cause
- combustion - an act of burning
- consolation - the soothe or comfort
- predicament - a difficult or trying situation
- petrification - to make stiff from fear
- capacious - able to hold much of something
- artifice- trick or trickery
- scabbard - a sheath for the blade of a weapon (such as a sword)
- compulsion - an irresistible impulse to perform an act
- diffuse - wordy; not concentrated
- jovial - marked by good humor
- parapets - a protecting rampart; a low wall or railing (as at the edge of a bridge)
- apoplectic - showing symptoms of a stroke
- opulence - wealth; abundance
- demurely - modest; reserved
- conspicuous - attracting attention; prominent
- filberts - a sweet thick-shelled nut
- officious - volunteering one's services where they are neither asked for or needed
- livid - discolored by bruising; could be: very angry or enraged
- heresy - the rejection of the established beliefs of a religion
- penitence - filling sorrow for sins or offenses
- rebuke - a reprimand ( to blame for )
- odious - deserving hatred or repugnance ( a strong dislike of )
- plaintive - expressive of suffering or woe ( deep suffering from misfortune or grief )
- scanty - barely sufficient
- desolation - deserted; abandoned; lonely
- contortions - to twist out of shape
- credulity - inclined to believe
- execrable - detestable; very bad
- perversion - turned away from what is right or good; corrupt
Stave Four
- shroud - something that covers or screens; to screen from view
- pendulous - hanging loosely
- excrescence - an abnormal outgrowth ( as a wart )
- latent - present but not visible or active
- slipshod - careless
- cesspools - an underground pit or tank for receiving household sewage; a filthy or corrupt situation
- offal - a waste or byproduct of a process (animal organs)
- repress - to restrain; to exclude from consciousness
- successor - one that succeeds (into the throne, estate, or office)
Stave Five
- illustrious - outstanding; famous; great; prominent
- array - to dress splendidly; to arrange in order
- feign - to give a false appearance of; pretend
- alteration - to make or become different
- malady - a disease or disorder of the body or mind