Hands-on-Equations (2010)
Elementary G.T. students spent the first semester learning ALGEBRA, using a visual and kinesthetic system developed by Dr. Henry Borenson. In a few lessons students learned to solve equations such as 4x + 3 = 3x + 9 and 2(2x + 1) = x + 8. The students physically set up equations using game pieces and a flat laminated balance and then proceeded to carry out "legal moves" to solve the equation. The legal moves are the physical counterpart of the abstract mathematical principles which are used to solve these equations. Students learned to transfer this process to solve word problems as well. The smartboard came in handy as a means to practice digitally!
By the end of the unit students were solving problems such as:
2 (-x + 2x) + 4 (-x) + 2 = x + (-4)
They also were solving verbal problems such as:
The sum of three consecutive even numbers is the same as 2 less than four times the smallest of these numbers. Find all three numbers.
In December parents and grandparents were invited to Algebra Night, which was held in the cafeteria, where they watched the young mathematicians do their stuff! An Algebra Team Race was also part of the evening. Multi-age teams had 20 minutes to work as many algebra problems as they could --the key to winning was strategy.
Students received awards at the end of the evening with all students getting the best prize of all --Ms. Hesse's Algebra Candy!
Watch the slide show to see photos of Algebra Night and view the students' Verbal Algebra Creative Projects! (LINK)
...and discover more about "Hands-on-Equations" at: http://www.borenson.com/
By the end of the unit students were solving problems such as:
2 (-x + 2x) + 4 (-x) + 2 = x + (-4)
They also were solving verbal problems such as:
The sum of three consecutive even numbers is the same as 2 less than four times the smallest of these numbers. Find all three numbers.
In December parents and grandparents were invited to Algebra Night, which was held in the cafeteria, where they watched the young mathematicians do their stuff! An Algebra Team Race was also part of the evening. Multi-age teams had 20 minutes to work as many algebra problems as they could --the key to winning was strategy.
Students received awards at the end of the evening with all students getting the best prize of all --Ms. Hesse's Algebra Candy!
Watch the slide show to see photos of Algebra Night and view the students' Verbal Algebra Creative Projects! (LINK)
...and discover more about "Hands-on-Equations" at: http://www.borenson.com/