Weiner Elementary is an Arkansas School of Innovation. Each day we come together as a school family (that means EVERYONE in the building) for morning assembly at which, the day's SLIDE SHOW is shared with the principal acting as the moderator.
Assembly consists of the following:
1. Pledge to Arkansas and United State Flag
2. Singing of National Anthem and one other song (could be an Americana song or other patriotic song)
3. Character Word of the Week (we learn something new about that word each day)
4. Newsworthy Item (if appropriate)
5. Health Tip of the Day
6. Composer/Performer of the Week (each day we learn something new about that week's composer/performer ...this format is used for other culture focus areas)
7. Artist of the Week
8. Place of the Week
9. The Day's "Face of Creativity"
10. Spanish Word of the Day
11. Birthdays (children and faculty are honored on their birthday at assembly)
12. Student of the Day (this is not earned, but is a random draw. The purpose is to let students know they are special in our learning family regardless of their achievement or behavior. The student receives a badge they wear proudly that day, they get a small gift, and get to sit in a special place during lunch, as well as a few other perks).