A grant we received allowed us to travel to Napa, California, to attend the Buck Institute's PBL World. Seven teachers attended this wonderful training. We decided to go early and see General Sherman in the Sequoia National Forest, as well as Yosemite. Although, the rented car probably put on more miles than it ever had before, every single one of those miles was worth seeing those breathtaking wonders of nature. In this photo (left to right) is Miss Hurdle, my sister and digital learning facilitator/lbrarian, Miss Hogue, our principal, and me. With all our names beginning with "H," everyone calls us the THREE H's!
Here's how you can tell I love teaching and work with crazy people out to get me! On my 70th birthday, this "lovely" slideshow (I blame my sister who is the librarian) was the historical presentation at an assembly for our entire learning community... Didn't embarrass me --I LOVED IT!
I choose to believe all these things say they love me despite the evidence...

Kids got me at school --(fainting isn't real, but they loved it)! I LOVE THIS SCHOOL ...we believe in learning and also HAVING FUN!
Those two things are the perfect recipe for making good memories for kids and me too.
ABOUT THE QUEEN PHOTOS - - The caption under WEINER GIFTED TEACHER reads: "reigning since 1988, gladly serving her royal G.T. subjects."
My librarian sister and I went on a dream trip to the British Isles. While in Edinburgh, Scotland, we attended an exhibition on the reign of Queen Elizabeth at the Scottish National Gallery. As soon as I saw they had a poster of the hologram of the Queen, I knew what I would do when school started! I carried that poster in my bag throughout the remainder of the trip; then after returning, I developed my QUEEN look, bought an expensive, toy crown at Walmart, found an old fake fur jacket and pearls, and talked my sister into being the photographer!

I have had the honor of working with Weiner's gifted and talented students for many years now. Working with students as young as 5 and as old as 18, I discovered that every age is my favorite. It is a remarkable gift to work with a student throughout their school career --the bonds that form are lasting. I believe the most important thing I can do as a teacher is to create good memories for those I serve. As a result, I involve my students in BIG projects that draw upon virtually all the G.T. framework areas. Knowing our school's teachers challenge all students academically, I focus strongly on communication skills, affective development, creativity, and community involvement. If you were to ask my husband about my teaching, he would say, "I play." I like that. One reason I have been in the profession for so many years is because it's fun to be creative with so many amazing kids!
RECOGNITION LINK - I learned early in my teaching career that taking advantage of grant opportunities opens other doors which opens other doors. Along the way I benefited from the encouragement and support of administrators, other teachers, and parents who unknowingly, perhaps, instilled in me a "go-for-it" attitude. (Click the "RECOGNITION" link to check it out)
CURRENTLY READING: "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. I've read this more times than I can count. SO GOOD! Must read before school starts.
I am an AVID reader and have been in a Book Club for nineteen years that meets monthly --we call ourselves "the lovely ladies of literature." (...we eat too)
Although I love technology and own a Nook, books are still my favorite mode of reading. I simply love the feel of turning pages, marking in my book as I read, and seeing the books I've read sitting on the bookshelves in my living room. Here are some of the books I've read:
My sister is the school librarian. We have been known to "dress up" on several occasions --these are just a few. I'm not quite certain she and I will ever truly grow up.