THE ODYSSEY (HOMER –Gillian Cross / Neil Packer) DISCUSSION
Odysseus fought in Troy for ten years and it took him ten years to get home after that. What agreement did he and Penelope make before he left for the war?
The gods on Olympus are the only ones who know what happened to Odysseus. If you were guessing, do you think his long odyssey will be his fate or the intervention of the gods? Why do you think that?
Odyssey's men made, what the text calls, "disasterously stupid" choices when they landed in the city of Cicones. Explain WHY the words "disasterously" and "stupid" were used here.
Why do you think the great storm hit them?
Why do you think Odyssey only sent three men to explore the island?
What power does the lotus have? In today's world can you think of anything that could be said to be similar to the lotus? Explain. For Odysseus and his crew, what was the biggest danger of the lotus?
Why does Odysseus think the gods brought them to the island near the mainland where the giant was?
Why do you think Odysseus decided to row over and investigate the fires and voices he heard coming from the mainland?
Why does Odysseus only take his boat and crew to investigate and leave the others?
What was the first clue that the voices from this island were not ordinary men?
Why doesn't Odysseus kill the Cyclops when the Cyclops is snoring? Why do they have to hurry and figure a way to get out?
How do we know the Cyclops wasn't very smart?
Odysseus and his men used cleverness to escape, but Odysseus's arrogance cost them dearly. What happened? What lesson can we learn from this?
The incident with the Cyclops brought disaster upon disaster and trouble upon trouble on Odysseus throughout the rest of the story. HOW?
What was the most amazing thing about Circe's Island?
What power did Aeolus have and where did he get it?
Was Aeolus's gift a "preventative" or a "cure" or both? Explain.
Many "gifts" in Greek mythology come with a condition that complicates the gift if not followed. What is the condition in Aeolus's gift?
Whose fault do you think it was that they did not make it to Ithaca?
Why does Aeolus refuse to help them again?
Why do you think Penelope constantly talks to Telemachus about his father?
What was the most unusual feature of Laestrygonia? Although the harbor was protected, why do you think eleven of Odysseus's ships EXCEPT his own, sailed eagerly into the harbor?
What was the FIRST subtle clue that this place was inhabited by giants? What was the first obvious clue they ignored that led to some of them being eaten?
Why didn't Odysseus try to rescue his sailor anchored in the harbor?
On page 62, it says the men were "too shaken to care where they went." What does this mean?
So far, on his odyssey, that has been a repeated sign that there is life on the lands they come upon.
Knowing the potential danger, why does Odysseus continue to want to talk to the strangers on the islands?
Why do you think Odysseus decided to divide his men into two groups?
When they entered the clearing, what "omen" did they see that should have caused them to run? What strange thing happened in this dangerous situation?
How is Circe deceptive?
What did the drug do that she put in their food? What other adventure have they had that is similar? Other than the fact that THIS time they have been turned into pigs, what is different about how this drug affects the men?
Why do you think the men did not listen to Eurylochus's warning?
Why do you think Odysseus that follow Eurylochus's warning to get away after all the devastating problems they have had in the past?
Hermes intervenes. What does he do?
Why do you think Circe swore to the oath Odysseus gave her?
Why do you think Odysseus and his men stayed on the island for a whole year recovering from their grief and exhaustion?
Why is Odysseus willing to risk the horror of consulting the soul of Tiresias in the Land of the Dead?
Why do you think the sailors obeyed Odysseus orders, knowing how dangerous and horrific the place would be?
How does Circe help ensure they will be successful?
What type of ghosts are described coming up from the underworld?
Tiresias tells Odysseus much that he must know. What hopes and what warnings does Tiresias give Odysseus?
Instead of going to Thrinacia, why did they go back to Circe's island? Although Odysseus may not have known it, was this GOING BACK more than laying Elpenor to rest? Do you think they could have made it to Thrinacia without having to go back? Explain.
Taking all the precautions he could think of and knowing their danger, why do you think Odysseus was determined to hear the sirens sing?
Despite the spell of their singing, why were the words they sung tempting?
Why is it a good thing Odysseus's sailors could not hear what he was saying? THINK? What else did they voluntarily do to take away their temptation to intervene?
On page 86 –why does it say, "And Telemachus kept on growing …?"
How did the sailors know it was safe to release Odysseus and take the wax from their ears?
What double danger is at the Wandering Rocks? Why do you think Odysseus did not tell his men about these dangers before?
Do you think "SCYLLA" or "CHARYBDIS" would be the most fearful for you? Explain.
Odysseus does NOT want to land at Thrinacia. Why? Should he trust them? Why does he agree to their demand?
Explain what happened that caused Eurylochus to say, "Wouldn't you rather drown than starve to death?"
What threat does Hyperion make that causes Zeus to punish the sailors?
What CREEPY thing happened that showed the sailors who killed Hyperion's cattle they were doomed? What was their first omen that it would not go well with them?
Odysseus is surviving in the wild water on merely two pieces of wood, but it got even WORSE. What happened?
Why did he choose passing by Charybdis instead of Scylla? Explain.
Ogygia is the home of the goddess Calypso. She cared for Odysseus when he washed up on her shore. There was one big problem, however –what was it?
Why is Penelope worried about Telemachu becoming a man?
What excuse did she make for not marrying another and how did she carry it out?
On Mount Olympus, who had the most compassion for Odysseus and how did this god help him?
Did Calypso ever feel "remorse" for holding Olysseus prisoner? How do you know?
Why didn't Poseidon trouble Odysseus when he set sail from Calypso's Island but did send fierce winds when he neared the shore of his homeland?
What do you know about Ino that explains why she helped Odysseus. What frightening advice did she give him to save his life?
What talisman did Ino give Odysseus and what were its conditions?
What do you think is the real reason that Athene disguised herself as the old woman? How was she using her disguise to intervene in Odysseus, Telemachus, and Penelope's life?
Why did the suitors plot Telemachus murder?
Odysseus lay naked under an olive tree on Phaeacia –he was injured and starving. How did Athene trick Nausicaa into helping Odysseus?
What does the daughter of King Alcinous do that shows her courage and her goodness?
Why do you think that Nausicaa wanted Odysseus to come later and speak to her mother, Queen Arete, for help?
Why do you think Athena made Odysseus invisible?
What great gift did King Alcinous give Odysseus? Do you think this was fate, the gods intervening, or a combination of both? Why do you think this?
Who was Demodocus and what did he do that saddened Odysseus?
Why do you think King Alcinous had the sporting competitions?
What obvious question did King Alcinous ask when he learned that Odysseus was trying to get home from fighting in the Trojan War?
Telemachus went to Sparta where Helen was again with her husband King Menelaus. Why is Menelaus certain that Odysseus is NOT dead?
What unusual thing does King Menelaus tell Telemachus about the place where Odysseus is?
Why do you think the great hall was silent after Odysseus finished telling of his journeys?
Why do you think the sailors didn't wake Odysseus up?
Who was NOT sleeping?
What did Poseidon want to do to punish the Phaeacians? How did Zeus "alter" his punishment?
What did the Phaeacians think about every time they saw the stone ship outside their city?
Why does Athene hide Odysseus when he is back in Ithaca and why does she hide from Odysseus that he is home?
Athene is a goddess of disguises. As the shepherd boy she warns him and tells him to stay with Eumaeus, but NOT to let him know who he is. Why do you think she wants to keep Odysseus' arrival a secret?
How did Athene disguise Odysseus?
Why do you think Athene doesn't want Odysseus to tell Eumaeus who he is?
How did Athene save Telemachus's life?
How does Hele explain the sign of the eagle and the goose?
Why did Telemachus NOT want anyone but his mother to hear he was home?
Why do you think Telemachus did not know who Odysseus was after Athene changed him back into himself?
Why should Telemachus not have feared that they could defeat the 100 suitors?
Do you think Odysseus came up with the plan or do you think Athene told him the plan? Why do you think that?
Who told Penelope that the suitors had planned to kill her son?
How had Penelope's maid betrayed her?
Athene changed Odysseus back into the poor, old beggar when Eumaeus returned. Why is this disguise so important to Odysseus's plan?
What is it that most saddens Odysseus about Argus?
Why did Irus think he could easily beat up Odysseus?
What does Penelope do that proves she is kind hearted and respectful of all types of people?
Why do you think Odysseus did not go ahead and tell Penelope that he was the old beggar???
Does Penelope believe any of the suitors will be able to complete the challenge to become her husband? Why does she make the challenge?
How does Eurycleia know for certain that the old beggar is Odysseus?
Explain what task the winning suitor had to complete to become Penelope's husband.
What job did Odysseus give Eumaeus to do when he revealed who he was?
On page 163, it states: "Eumaeus and the cowherd stepped up behind them…" In Greek mythology this does not mean a herd of cows. The cowherd was the one who tended the cows. When reading and coming upon something that doesn't seem to make sense, what should you always do?
What caused the suitors to panic?
Odysseus was gone for twenty years. Many had claimed to be him. Penelope wanted to be sure. How did she know for certain that it was Odysseus?
Why couldn't Odysseus promise Penelope that he would never leave again?
How many years have people been reading about Odysseus's adventures?
Who does tradition say Homer was? What is meant by tradition?
Why might people have "decided" that Homer was probably blind?
Where do they think Homer was from?
If there ever was a storyteller named Homer, what is probably the truth about where the stories came from?
How were the stories told then that are NOT told that way now?
What are the three "strands of suspense" that run all the way through "The Odyssey?"
What did you think about "The Odyssey?"
Odysseus fought in Troy for ten years and it took him ten years to get home after that. What agreement did he and Penelope make before he left for the war?
The gods on Olympus are the only ones who know what happened to Odysseus. If you were guessing, do you think his long odyssey will be his fate or the intervention of the gods? Why do you think that?
Odyssey's men made, what the text calls, "disasterously stupid" choices when they landed in the city of Cicones. Explain WHY the words "disasterously" and "stupid" were used here.
Why do you think the great storm hit them?
Why do you think Odyssey only sent three men to explore the island?
What power does the lotus have? In today's world can you think of anything that could be said to be similar to the lotus? Explain. For Odysseus and his crew, what was the biggest danger of the lotus?
Why does Odysseus think the gods brought them to the island near the mainland where the giant was?
Why do you think Odysseus decided to row over and investigate the fires and voices he heard coming from the mainland?
Why does Odysseus only take his boat and crew to investigate and leave the others?
What was the first clue that the voices from this island were not ordinary men?
Why doesn't Odysseus kill the Cyclops when the Cyclops is snoring? Why do they have to hurry and figure a way to get out?
How do we know the Cyclops wasn't very smart?
Odysseus and his men used cleverness to escape, but Odysseus's arrogance cost them dearly. What happened? What lesson can we learn from this?
The incident with the Cyclops brought disaster upon disaster and trouble upon trouble on Odysseus throughout the rest of the story. HOW?
What was the most amazing thing about Circe's Island?
What power did Aeolus have and where did he get it?
Was Aeolus's gift a "preventative" or a "cure" or both? Explain.
Many "gifts" in Greek mythology come with a condition that complicates the gift if not followed. What is the condition in Aeolus's gift?
Whose fault do you think it was that they did not make it to Ithaca?
Why does Aeolus refuse to help them again?
Why do you think Penelope constantly talks to Telemachus about his father?
What was the most unusual feature of Laestrygonia? Although the harbor was protected, why do you think eleven of Odysseus's ships EXCEPT his own, sailed eagerly into the harbor?
What was the FIRST subtle clue that this place was inhabited by giants? What was the first obvious clue they ignored that led to some of them being eaten?
Why didn't Odysseus try to rescue his sailor anchored in the harbor?
On page 62, it says the men were "too shaken to care where they went." What does this mean?
So far, on his odyssey, that has been a repeated sign that there is life on the lands they come upon.
Knowing the potential danger, why does Odysseus continue to want to talk to the strangers on the islands?
Why do you think Odysseus decided to divide his men into two groups?
When they entered the clearing, what "omen" did they see that should have caused them to run? What strange thing happened in this dangerous situation?
How is Circe deceptive?
What did the drug do that she put in their food? What other adventure have they had that is similar? Other than the fact that THIS time they have been turned into pigs, what is different about how this drug affects the men?
Why do you think the men did not listen to Eurylochus's warning?
Why do you think Odysseus that follow Eurylochus's warning to get away after all the devastating problems they have had in the past?
Hermes intervenes. What does he do?
Why do you think Circe swore to the oath Odysseus gave her?
Why do you think Odysseus and his men stayed on the island for a whole year recovering from their grief and exhaustion?
Why is Odysseus willing to risk the horror of consulting the soul of Tiresias in the Land of the Dead?
Why do you think the sailors obeyed Odysseus orders, knowing how dangerous and horrific the place would be?
How does Circe help ensure they will be successful?
What type of ghosts are described coming up from the underworld?
Tiresias tells Odysseus much that he must know. What hopes and what warnings does Tiresias give Odysseus?
Instead of going to Thrinacia, why did they go back to Circe's island? Although Odysseus may not have known it, was this GOING BACK more than laying Elpenor to rest? Do you think they could have made it to Thrinacia without having to go back? Explain.
Taking all the precautions he could think of and knowing their danger, why do you think Odysseus was determined to hear the sirens sing?
Despite the spell of their singing, why were the words they sung tempting?
Why is it a good thing Odysseus's sailors could not hear what he was saying? THINK? What else did they voluntarily do to take away their temptation to intervene?
On page 86 –why does it say, "And Telemachus kept on growing …?"
How did the sailors know it was safe to release Odysseus and take the wax from their ears?
What double danger is at the Wandering Rocks? Why do you think Odysseus did not tell his men about these dangers before?
Do you think "SCYLLA" or "CHARYBDIS" would be the most fearful for you? Explain.
Odysseus does NOT want to land at Thrinacia. Why? Should he trust them? Why does he agree to their demand?
Explain what happened that caused Eurylochus to say, "Wouldn't you rather drown than starve to death?"
What threat does Hyperion make that causes Zeus to punish the sailors?
What CREEPY thing happened that showed the sailors who killed Hyperion's cattle they were doomed? What was their first omen that it would not go well with them?
Odysseus is surviving in the wild water on merely two pieces of wood, but it got even WORSE. What happened?
Why did he choose passing by Charybdis instead of Scylla? Explain.
Ogygia is the home of the goddess Calypso. She cared for Odysseus when he washed up on her shore. There was one big problem, however –what was it?
Why is Penelope worried about Telemachu becoming a man?
What excuse did she make for not marrying another and how did she carry it out?
On Mount Olympus, who had the most compassion for Odysseus and how did this god help him?
Did Calypso ever feel "remorse" for holding Olysseus prisoner? How do you know?
Why didn't Poseidon trouble Odysseus when he set sail from Calypso's Island but did send fierce winds when he neared the shore of his homeland?
What do you know about Ino that explains why she helped Odysseus. What frightening advice did she give him to save his life?
What talisman did Ino give Odysseus and what were its conditions?
What do you think is the real reason that Athene disguised herself as the old woman? How was she using her disguise to intervene in Odysseus, Telemachus, and Penelope's life?
Why did the suitors plot Telemachus murder?
Odysseus lay naked under an olive tree on Phaeacia –he was injured and starving. How did Athene trick Nausicaa into helping Odysseus?
What does the daughter of King Alcinous do that shows her courage and her goodness?
Why do you think that Nausicaa wanted Odysseus to come later and speak to her mother, Queen Arete, for help?
Why do you think Athena made Odysseus invisible?
What great gift did King Alcinous give Odysseus? Do you think this was fate, the gods intervening, or a combination of both? Why do you think this?
Who was Demodocus and what did he do that saddened Odysseus?
Why do you think King Alcinous had the sporting competitions?
What obvious question did King Alcinous ask when he learned that Odysseus was trying to get home from fighting in the Trojan War?
Telemachus went to Sparta where Helen was again with her husband King Menelaus. Why is Menelaus certain that Odysseus is NOT dead?
What unusual thing does King Menelaus tell Telemachus about the place where Odysseus is?
Why do you think the great hall was silent after Odysseus finished telling of his journeys?
Why do you think the sailors didn't wake Odysseus up?
Who was NOT sleeping?
What did Poseidon want to do to punish the Phaeacians? How did Zeus "alter" his punishment?
What did the Phaeacians think about every time they saw the stone ship outside their city?
Why does Athene hide Odysseus when he is back in Ithaca and why does she hide from Odysseus that he is home?
Athene is a goddess of disguises. As the shepherd boy she warns him and tells him to stay with Eumaeus, but NOT to let him know who he is. Why do you think she wants to keep Odysseus' arrival a secret?
How did Athene disguise Odysseus?
Why do you think Athene doesn't want Odysseus to tell Eumaeus who he is?
How did Athene save Telemachus's life?
How does Hele explain the sign of the eagle and the goose?
Why did Telemachus NOT want anyone but his mother to hear he was home?
Why do you think Telemachus did not know who Odysseus was after Athene changed him back into himself?
Why should Telemachus not have feared that they could defeat the 100 suitors?
Do you think Odysseus came up with the plan or do you think Athene told him the plan? Why do you think that?
Who told Penelope that the suitors had planned to kill her son?
How had Penelope's maid betrayed her?
Athene changed Odysseus back into the poor, old beggar when Eumaeus returned. Why is this disguise so important to Odysseus's plan?
What is it that most saddens Odysseus about Argus?
Why did Irus think he could easily beat up Odysseus?
What does Penelope do that proves she is kind hearted and respectful of all types of people?
Why do you think Odysseus did not go ahead and tell Penelope that he was the old beggar???
Does Penelope believe any of the suitors will be able to complete the challenge to become her husband? Why does she make the challenge?
How does Eurycleia know for certain that the old beggar is Odysseus?
Explain what task the winning suitor had to complete to become Penelope's husband.
What job did Odysseus give Eumaeus to do when he revealed who he was?
On page 163, it states: "Eumaeus and the cowherd stepped up behind them…" In Greek mythology this does not mean a herd of cows. The cowherd was the one who tended the cows. When reading and coming upon something that doesn't seem to make sense, what should you always do?
What caused the suitors to panic?
Odysseus was gone for twenty years. Many had claimed to be him. Penelope wanted to be sure. How did she know for certain that it was Odysseus?
Why couldn't Odysseus promise Penelope that he would never leave again?
How many years have people been reading about Odysseus's adventures?
Who does tradition say Homer was? What is meant by tradition?
Why might people have "decided" that Homer was probably blind?
Where do they think Homer was from?
If there ever was a storyteller named Homer, what is probably the truth about where the stories came from?
How were the stories told then that are NOT told that way now?
What are the three "strands of suspense" that run all the way through "The Odyssey?"
What did you think about "The Odyssey?"